Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Lake Effect

We got genuine lake effect snow today, and right at the lake the total was 14-16 inches. Probably a foot at our house. I had to go out and do some assignments.

This picture is not the highway, but it's not really a back road either.

snowy road

I actually think this picture gives you the best idea!

snow plow

See Snow on Big Sable Headwaters
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  1. Snow, snow, snow.

    It becomes a pond of water in my country.

  2. Those pics make me glad I live in Florida. Although, ice and snow can be beautiful.

    Hugs and chocolate,

  3. I'd be home, snug in my bed, with my electric throw and a double cup of strong French dark roast coffee, cheering you on your way.

  4. I cringe every time I hear the words lake effect. I feel for you, that's a lot of snow.

  5. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay dada sez those pikchers tayk him bak to the days wen he and mama and tucker and trixie and trouble and pooh bear all livd in the mithikal land of noo york and he had to drive on roads wot lookd like that!!! it duz not seem like they ar fond memoreez!!! altho he sez snow wuz a lot of fun wen he wuz a kid and did not hav to kleer it or drive in it!!! ok bye

  6. That is a lot of snow! Lake effect snow is always big snow.

  7. Holy cow! That IS a lot of snow! We don't have any at the moment. I hear we might get some this week. It's such a weird winter here.

  8. rainfield- I'm thinking it never even makes it to the ground!

    shelly- I like it

    Carmen- It's so refreshing though

    Ann- it's so fluffy, the Lake Effect usually is

    Dennis- many fond memories of winters in NY- tell your dada

    Chuck- Thanks for visiting!

    Lin- none? That is weird.

    John- yes, and I've been snowshoeing. But they are saying rain tomorrow. Bah.

  9. That is a lot of snow and your photos make it appear so beautiful. Nor would I argue with such convincing visual evidence.


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