Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Indian Bridge Access

Today it rained almost all day. It wasn't raining yet when I left the house, but started before I reached my first assignment, and then rained all the time I was working. It's still raining. We need the water, so I'm not going to complain!

I stopped at a public access site on the Little Manistee River, known as Indian Bridge. It's just parking, a latrine, and access to the water. No camping allowed.

The river was pretty, even on a gray day.

Indian Bridge access

Indian Bridge access

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  1. Yes the river has a very serene feel. Love the peacefulness your photos convey.

  2. No complaints about rain here either. I'm just glad it isn't snow! Aren't you?

  3. Lovely spot. The sort of place I would like to stop by.

  4. A gray day but still a lovely spot. We're getting lots of rain right now also and more to come

  5. Jean- Water does that to me!

    Chuck- we may have snow and freezing rain tomorrow

    vanilla- bring a kayak or fishing pole

    Ann- all of us from Great Lakes to the East are going to be wet for quite a few more days


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