Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Leelanau Iris Farm- What a Dreamy Place

Loretta and I went to the Leelanau Iris Farm near Traverse City today. I've been wanting to go there, but never seem to get around to it. There were acres, ACRES, of iris all blooming. The idea is that you can look at the labeled plants and then order ones you like, which will be shipped at the right time of year.

I didn't order any, although I might be tempted in the future (need to reclaim my flower beds). But we sure had a great time.

Leelanau Iris Farm

If I were going to get some, I think I'd go for a selection of blues. I'd put the light blue one, 'Rapture in Blue,' next to a true blue one like 'Blue Jazz.'

Rapture in Blue iris

Blue Jazz iris

I might add something really dark like 'Ghost Train.'

Ghost Train iris

Of course, I really like yellow too. Might have to get some 'Goodnight Moon.'

Goodnight Moon iris

I don't think I can pick! I'll probably just hope that the ones I do have are still alive. Stay tuned for more flower garden news.

In the meantime, if you want to see more of the iris varieties, I wrote about some at Visiting Michigan's Leelanau Iris Farm

See Mini Iris
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  1. I think you'd win with any of these colors. I like them all.

  2. That's quite the place. Back in the 50's in the small town where I grew up there was a woman, Mrs Rex, who grew and bred Iris. She was reputed to have developed some new varieties and had visitors from all over.

  3. Oh, I would love that tour! Bearded iris would be my favorite flower, if only the bloom lasted a bit longer.

  4. oh wow, that must be some farm. I would have a hard time choosing with so many varieties.


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