Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Piling Trip Upon Trip

I know, I know... I haven't even finished the tales of the days of the hike. But I'm off globetrotting again. This was a planned trip, but I hadn't really processed how close in time the two were.

Goodbye to the Great Lakes. This is the Chicago skyline from the back side (and a few thousand feet of elevation!). Yes, Lin, I said hi to you as I went by.

Chicago Skyline

Now I'm in the South. Alabama to be exact. You can tell because of the Magnolias in bloom (and a few other telling qualities!). Although, driving down the commercial streets, the stores and franchises are certainly all the same. I just hate the homogenous world.


And why am I here, you ask? SIL Loretta is MOVING TO MICHIGAN, and I am here to help her drive back. Loretta contemplates her to-do list.

to do list

OK. Gotta scoot. But I was able to get on line with my own computer, so I wanted to do a post for you!

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  1. Please do not tell me you flew out of Midway. I literally work a block from there....

    Have fun and drive safe!

  2. I've seen that skyline many times. O'Hare being the hub that it is, one is bound to go through on many a flight. Though I've never been there on a flight of fancy.

  3. well have a safe trip and lots of fun

  4. You are a great sis-in-law. I'm sure it will be nice to have Loretta closer.


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