The cutest thing today by far- a wary little chipmunk with a pine seed in his mouth. He held still for me to take his picture-- I think because he was afraid I would steal his prize and he thought if he was motionless I might not see him. Guess he doesn't understand about backlighting and silhouettes.
I love chipmunks with their little chipmunk attitudes.
ReplyDeletehe's a cute one. I spotted on the other day but didn't have my camera with me
ReplyDeleteHe's a cute little fellow. He did the right thing, AND you didn't take his pine seed.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh!! What a cute photo. I love chipmunks. :)
ReplyDeleteHe certainly posed nicely for you. I haven't seen one in ages. I don't even see squirrels anymore since my mother is now in a nursing home. They used to frequent the pecan trees in her yard. Sadly, one got in the attic once and died there. I was visiting at that time but she said the smell became unbearable.