Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, November 25, 2013


Today was interesting. I had to go out and do assignments, but it was really miserable. The wind was howling and the snow was swirling. I only got a few cases done.

Here are a couple of not very remarkable pictures. First is Lake Michigan through some trees. I should have done a video to capture the cold waves.

Lake Michigan waves

The second picture is Bass Lake Outlet where Ellen and I often kayak. Not quite so sunny today. You can compare this with the first picture at Bass Lake with Loretta for just about the same location (I think just around the bend) in summer.

Perhaps not such a good day to kayak today!

Bass Lake Outlet

Too much to do this week, but I'm trying to find the beauty in the day.

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  1. The beauty is there saying hello to you.

  2. Just stopped by to say Hi.. Glad you are well

  3. I really do appreciate the beauty of winter but I still don't like being cold :)

  4. Gees, that is pretty out there! but...I'm not freezing my butt off looking at that! Hahaha!

    Stay warm, Sharkey!


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