Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

West Shore Choir at St. Joseph's


It's always one of the highlights of the Christmas season when I can make it to the concert put on by the West Shore Choir. They give the concert several times, and one of them is in a beautiful rural church, St. Joseph's in Hart. I've always liked the outside.

St. Joseph's Church, Hart

But I'd never been inside. All I have to say is WOW

St. Joseph's Church, Hart

The acoustics are wonderful. The one drawback (as far as I am concerned) is that the choir loft is in the back balcony, so you can't watch the singers. However, there was also a handbell choir. Loren says it's the best one in the area. They certainly were good. The picture is not.

handbell choir

One of the songs was accompanied by a brass quartet. They were up front too, so I could get their picture.

brass quartet

For the final song, the choir came down and encircled the auditorium. The best part of that was I got to get a picture of the very enthusiastic director, Becky Sopha.

photo label

This choir always does an excellent job. Love Christmas concerts!

See West Shore Concert Choir
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  1. I always loved the way churches look, inside and out. It's the one kind of building that they usually pay special attention to the architecture.

  2. sounds like a nice evening.
    That church is quite spectacular looking.

  3. Looks wonderful. Our church had a Christmas concert last week and it was fabulous. Our church has good acoustics and is known for is good organ. When the organist plays it full blast the whole building seems to shake.

  4. Beautiful building, and no doubt the music was moving.

  5. Now, that would definitely put me in a Christmas mood! Nothing like Christmas hymns sung by a church choir. Your pictures warm the heart. I have to confess I haven't gotten out at all since I've arrived home..staying in with my hefty granddaughter who is such a delight.

  6. Ratty- at least the older churches tried hard to be beautiful

    Ann- One of the most beautiful in our area, for sure

    Stew- glad you have a beautiful place to worship.

    vanilla- it was!

    Carmen- staying in is good too!


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