Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Marshmallows on Weldon Creek

Today I was out doing assignments. Some days I have to really hunt for something to share, something just a little prettier or out of the ordinary. But this morning, I hadn't even arrived at my first work site, and I was stunned by this little nothing of a wide spot in a creek that I've crossed dozens of times without paying a bit of attention.

Every tussock of vegetation, probably sedges, is covered with a marshmallow pillow.

snow pillows on creek

You can see how they've built up with each successive sugary snowfall.

snow pillows on creek

An impressive collection of them.

snow pillows on creek

How do I know they are marshmallows and not just ordinary snow? Because there is a big toothy mouth gobbling them up.

snow pillows on creek

See North Shore Water Features for another marshmallow
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  1. I'm not fond of snow, but these pictures are beautiful...

  2. You're right, it really does look like marshmallows. It almost makes me wish I had more snow around here.

  3. they do look like marshmallows. What a fun find. Bonus for finding the tooth mouth

  4. Funny description, they do look like marshmellows.
    Have a happy day!

  5. Funny description, they do look like marshmellows.
    Have a happy day!

  6. Sweet! Isn't it amazing what you see when you open your eyes in your mind to the beauty that surrounds us?


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