Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Surprises in My Kingdom

You would think I'd never find anything new in the few acres I walk in my back yard. Wrong.

The first isn't too unexpected, but I haven't seen a single caterpillar for days now... no evidence that the monarch is making a cocoon. But that milkweed stalk was not about to give up the battle for life. It's trying desperately to sprout some new leaves. Just as desperate for food is one milkweed tussock moth caterpillar that was hiding somewhere. Any bets on how much of those little leaves will be left in the morning?

milkweed tussock moth caterpillar
The next two are similar, and are complete surprises. I've shown you my clump of white pines out back, several times before. For the first time ever, I found two baby white pines that I did not plant. So these had to have grown from cones of the ones I did plant.

baby white pine
Not even tall enough to clear the grass yet, but maybe next year. Another of the ones I planted is probably doomed. It's too close to the others anyway, but I think it got chewed. So I'm happy to have two youngun's show up on their own.

baby white pine
Gave my trail program tonight. Decent turnout and sold some books. Hooray!

See The Trees are Growing
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  1. I love watching trees grow, my frazer firs haven't made half that growth in 4 years :)

  2. It's fun seeing surprise in the garden.

  3. Yep, those little leaves are goners.
    Nice to find trees growing that you weren't expecting. I like white pines

  4. Love this. It's like watching a family grow (and fade) with the spiral of Nature and cycle of Life!

  5. Each of the lives form different stories.

  6. I planted a white pine in my parents back yard back in the 50s. It grew into the big tree of that neighborhood. Love 'em.


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