Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, September 5, 2014

Alabama Calling

Well, it's sad but true, Loretta is moving back to Alabama. Her friends Randy and Annette drove up here this week, and today I helped them pack almost all of her things into the two cars. Tomorrow she leaves.

But we all went out for pizza after the big job was done.

Randy & Annette

I will miss her, but I've made so many new Alabama friends now that I'm sure I'll be going there occasionally.

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  1. Sometimes my brain does not work so well.

    I read "Obama calling" instead.

    President is calling you.


  2. Having a friend move away is tough, but the good thing is that occasional visits can be fun adventures.

  3. How nice of you to help your friend, and I'm sure you'll miss her … and enjoy your 'bama visits all the more for it!

  4. Aw, poop. I'm sorry she is moving. Thank goodness with all of this technology you can keep in touch. And think about how early Spring comes down there...you have an excuse to go visit!

  5. The pizza sure looks good but a shame Loretta will be moving back to Alabama. I know you're going to miss her lots

  6. Well, I know that is sad but it's wonderful that you have had this time with Loretta. And, knowing you, it won't be long before you're off for a visit.


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