Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, September 12, 2014


The bulk of the day has been spent formatting text and cover for a print version of the first two Anastasia Raven stories combined into one volume. So, that is the quality in today.

The cover format isn't right yet. I've got to reduce the size of the text on the spine. But I'm getting close.

I hate giving in to the giant Amazon, but I need to get these into print, and CreateSpace is really the easiest way to go. Sigh.

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  1. Quality is good, but the Dead Mule Swamp series is better than that. Here's hoping it widens your reader base.

  2. It looks good. I'm sure you'll have it perfect in no time

  3. I know. I used Createspace for my book of poetry. I was surprised how easy it was to get it done, thanks to help from blogging friend, Joanne Olivier;


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