Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October Birthday at Work

Our supervisor at the paper has decided we are having a party a month, and in October it was Patty's birthday. The paper actually has a budget for some bit of employee entertainment, so we get some decorations, and we all chip in on the food.

Clear a work table and set up the feast.

Patty's Birthday

The birthday girl has a broken thumb... not too handy, but she managed to put her burrito together just fine.

Patty's Birthday

And the seating... really high class. Just pull up a pallet or ten.

Patty's Birthday

Patty cut the cake, which we all managed to sample even if we were already stuffed. And yes, we made her wear the party hat all morning.

Patty's Birthday

I have to say this sure helps the morale. Can't beat a party on a rainy day for quality!

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  1. smart supervisor. it makes a big difference when you can have fun at work. I like the informal dining setting too :)

  2. I had a very clever comment in mind to post here, but first I had to check on one detail. Then an e-mail arrived. It needed an immediate answer, which I sent in response. Oh yes, I need a tab to do that check. Let me look at that one. It should do fine, but first read what it says. Oh, a notification. Today is daughter-in-law's birthday. Post a greeting on FB. Now the search was for . . . ah . . . er . . . [I've got e-mail.]

    Looks like a good time was had by all.

  3. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay that luks like a gud time havving a party with yore cowurkers!!! dada never gits to hav parteez at wurk tho of korse sinse it is just him it wood be a rather small party withowt mutch soshalizing!!! ha ha ok bye


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