Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, November 8, 2014


Today I went to Big Rapids to participate in Authorpalooza!, an event with 18 Michigan authors. It was organized by the library. They did an excellent job of publicity, and it was a good set-up with lots of space for people to walk around and talk with us. They counted 180 people- probably half of them kids.

Authorpalooza! banner

I've been to some of these that were truly awful, so I want to be sure to give this one high praise. That said, I didn't sell any books, but I may have made some contacts to give programs.

Lots of people have to make hard choices- at an event like this, they can afford one or two books. With all the authors, I'd guess there were close to 100 books to choose from. Many people came with children, and they bought books for them. I saw very few people walking out with books for adults.

book signing

Now, very soon, I'm going to take my sore throat and aches and put them to bed yet again. This has to let up soon, right? At least I didn't feel too awful at the event.

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1 comment:

  1. You never know when people are going to buy or just browse. I imagine that these days a lot of people are buying more of their books in electronic form too.
    Hope you feel better soon


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