Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Handbells- A Different Perspective

I may have just joined a handbell choir.

I showed up for practice, did terrible, everyone told me I did great and said be there Sunday at 10:30 in black pants and a white shirt.

Yikes! But I think I like it.


See Christmas Eve, Two Styles
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  1. we're always our own worst critic. I bet you did better than you think, especially since everyone told you you did great.
    Have fun with it

  2. I've always thought that would be fscinating to do. Hope you enjoy it!

  3. Our Sharkey is always up for a challenge. You ring, Shark!

  4. Good luck, Joan. I tried it once but I just couldn't synchtonise my hand with my mind.

  5. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay now dada is humming and singing sumthing abowt yoo kan ring my bell-ell-ell ring my bell i hav no ideea wot he is tawking abowt as yoozhual for wun thing he duz not eeven hav a bell!!! ok bye


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