Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year 2015

I spent the day at Halls Crossing, and can wish you a Happy New Year 2015 from there.

TrainStation game

I seem to have had a visitor from sumwayar mae-bee Kali4nya. You'll have to biggify the pic to read it, I suspect.

If you do not understand this visit, see Dennis' Diary of Destruction

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  1. Joan, wishing you a very Happy and Healthy New Year!

  2. Halls crossing looks like a thriving community :) Happy New Year to you also

  3. Thank you Jean! I'm trying to simplify my life, but there's too much stuff.

    To you as well, Ratty, my first blog buddy!

    Ann- I like it much better than my real world.

  4. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay that playse reeminded me of the abandund villadj at the north pole wot i fownd that time we aksidently invayded the north pole and inadvertently started a war with santa claus!!! eksept hall's crossing has a lot more gud stuf going on then santas villadj did!!! happy noo yeer!!! ok bye

  5. I wish the New Year could see a more peaceful world...but it seems so far from a reality. I don't know what possesses people. I wonder at poor children who grow up knowing nothing but war and terror. My prayer is always that they will soon know a change in this life.


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