Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Tree Full of Eagles

eagle tree

Ha, ha! Had you believing me for a few minutes there, didn't I? I thought so too for about three seconds until I got close enough to see what it really was.

eagle illusion

eagle illusion

Would that many eagles share a tree?

flying pig

(Actually, they would, but I HAD to use this picture.)

See Parent of the Amazing Baby
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  1. You got me excited for a few seconds.

  2. You tricked me! I came rushing over when I saw your title in my blogroll. Even the first picture was looking right, but then I found out the truth. That's funny. This kind of thing happened to me once with a Heron decoy so I kind of know how you felt when you found out the truth about your eagles. Good one.

  3. Wow, you had me fooled. It did look like eagles. Another blogger I follow has shown pictures of trees filled with eagle
    Love your flying pig picture too

  4. I've seen a tree with six in it before, so I believed. Pretty cool photo. Thank you!

  5. Oh, that's a good one, Shark! You had me fooled!

  6. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay gud wun yoo had me going their for a minnit!!! but no i am wundring if flying big bacon mite tayst better then regyoolar bacon on akkownt of the ekstra wing meet wot do yoo think??? ok bye

  7. If pigs had wings
    away they'd fly
    Up into heaven
    way up high.

  8. I've yet to see one eagle in a tree but I'll keep looking. In my Mumbai dwelling, crows about - and kites ( the bird kind ) - no eagles there, either...lots of footloose pigs in the streets but none airborne.


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