Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Wildlife Sanctuary

Maybe I should make it official and give up on lawn and garden- just give the place over to the wildlife. I looked out my kitchen door this morning, and not 20 feet away was an odd little shape in the grass. Couldn't figure it out for a minute, and then it moved.

Yup, a newborn fawn.



If I'd been looking at the right time of day (probably dawn) I could have watched the birth. It let me get very close before it scrambled to stand on very unsteady legs, and bounded off awkwardly to hide under the apple tree.


Don't worry, I'm sure Mom found it with no problems. Here's where it had been lying. Dry flat grass underneath. That says to me it was born before the sun warmed the grass and melted the frost (yes frost :( ).


At least with no dog I didn't have to worry about protecting it from an exuberant canine.

See A Little Cutie in the Grass
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  1. Oh WOW! That is a cool find this morning! :) It just makes me smile.

  2. An excellent morning present for a wildlife lover. How lucky you are. I have a fondness for deer, especially baby fawns.

  3. What a great way to start your day.

  4. aw how cute. What a great way to start the day

  5. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay luk its bambi!!! but not bambi meets godzilla fortchoonatly!!! ok bye

  6. That is, indeed, a most precious welcome to the morning. A brand new baby.


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