Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, June 19, 2015

Sometimes It Comes To You

One of the big challenges of urban and suburban, or even farm country, hikes is that of finding places to pop into the woods to, well... find a tree, see a man about a dog, visit the head... whatever you call it. Pee or poo will do.

But some days you get lucky and they bring the porta potty right to you.

porta potty on truck

Just kidding. He didn't even stop for us. Someone else got lucky.

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  1. They prepared the porta potties for me.
    Last Sunday. I am "greater" than you.
    Just kidding, I went for Half Marathon that day.

  2. They prepared the porta potties for me.
    Last Sunday. I am "greater" than you.
    Just kidding, I went for Half Marathon that day.

  3. There's a loo on the loose,
    And it's playing caboose.

  4. That little blue facility can be a welcome sight sometimes :)

  5. Oh, that's funny. Did you try to flag him down?

  6. I used to know a guy who had the job of supplying the porta potties. I was always subconsciously surprised that he didn't smell funny.

  7. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay i always hav to find my own potteez!!! fortchoonatly my potteez ar trees and they ar pritty common!!! ha ha ok bye


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