Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, December 28, 2015

The Arrival

The promise for a terrible storm with freezing rain and ice to arrive was given by the forecasters.

It began in the blue dusk.

blue snow

Looks even bluer through the window. But it's warmer in here. I went for a walk just before taking the pictures, and the snow is hard little pellets that sting your face. They are still tattooing on the kitchen window screen.

blue snow

We'll see what tomorrow is like!

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  1. yuck.....snow is so much nicer than sleet and ice. We had rain today but not the wind that was predicted...even saw the sun for a while before sunset!

  2. Ugh. We had that here today and driving home from work was a nightmare. Tried to clear the driveway, but it proved to be waayyyy to hard on my back. I'm hoping the warm winter continues and makes it all melt.

  3. We got the freezing rain yesterday so I'm wondering how fun my ride is going to be this morning. As much as I don't like snow I think I would rather have that than freezing rain

  4. We lost power her last evening. No restoration forecast yet. It must have been the wind. We had no icing or trees and power lines.


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