Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, February 1, 2016


Sylvia and I took a walk around the block (4 miles) today. We got invited in to see some new lambs!

These ones are one day old.


The best pictures are of a set of two-day-old twins.



Here's one with its mother.


Even though the picture isn't as good, these were the very newest. Yes, there are two of them, one behind the other. They are about an hour old. Right after this, the owner carried them to the barn (with the help of Pete the beagle) and gave them some fresh straw to bed down in so mom could clean them up.


Lots of other fun stuff today too. But the lambs win for showing you pictures.

See L is for Lambs
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  1. Oh such cute lambs! I always love seeing baby animals. Reminds me of how wonderful the cycle of life is.

    Recreation Space

  2. Cute little sheepies. They look so huggable.

  3. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay wot kyoot littel bayby sheep dogs!!! and dada is mayking a weerd noise and saying sumthing abowt clarice starling i hav no ideea wot he is tawking abowt but it sownds a littel creepy!!! ok bye


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