Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Kale- It's What's for Dinner(s)


Kale soup- this afternoon's project. Not quite as good as I'd expected, but good enough. And, I made my biggest pot full, so this means there are about 15 future days (probably not in a row- some will go in the freezer) I won't have to do anything except heat some up.

kale soup

See Houston, We Have Soup
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  1. That looks very good. I've picked leaves off the kale in the garden to snack on while doing other things out there. Just like the parsley garnish, I usually eat the kale garnish.

  2. Mike- it is! And even better the next day

    Stew- I sure think so

    Chuck- I want to increase my kale intake. I really like it and it's super good for you.


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