Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, May 12, 2017

Smile, You're on Candid Birthday

Sorry, we have to take a quick break from flowers. Today was Omer's birthday and a few people from church brought a cake and a party. They guessed at his age!

birthday cake

Omer was a little puzzled to learn that he had jumped 4 years in the past 365 days.

birthday party

But it's all good. A party is a party.

birthday party

The instigator, Antonio, wanted a picture of Om and me. No, Omer didn't get punched in the nose. He got swiped with red frosting.

birthday party

So what if the year was wrong, the decorator actually spelled his name right. That's a semi-miracle.

birthday cake

But just at the end, I realized Antonio actually did get the age right. Nailed it!

birthday cake

They all went to see a movie. I'm going back to work.

See Birthday Boy
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  1. What a nice thing for them to do. Hope he enjoyed his birthday no matter what the number was :)

  2. Cake is cake. Glad Omer enjoyed, and happy belated birthday.

  3. Looks like fun! Great picture of you two!

  4. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy belayted birthday to omer!!! yeerz schmeerz at leest their wuz kayk rite??? ha ha ok bye


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