Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, December 29, 2017

The Tolerable Snowman

Today was characterized by... snow. I may track considerable snow inside, but I also remove much more from the driveway. To be honest, I'm hardly snow covered compared to the days it's windy. We have about a foot on the ground.

snow covered Carhartts
I love how each type of tree is enhanced by the dry white flakes. They've stayed on the trees all day. White Pine.

snow covered white pine

Blue Spruce.

snow covered blue spruce
Red Pine.

snow covered red pine

And a pear tree with no partridge.

snow covered pear tree

And, it's back to work for the night in a couple of hours.

In other news: Worked till about 1:30. Cleared the driveway. Finished the beta-read of Murder on the Brewster Flats (a really fun book). Did a few errands. Wrote a little bit on Secret Cellar (may be past the part that is giving me trouble). Started reading a new book- not very interesting yet, and I'm losing my tolerance to stick with books that don't grab me. I have piles of books that probably will be interesting.

See Fruity? for the pear tree in a different white phase
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  1. Now see, the snow there looks really pretty. The stuff here not so much...lol
    I have a hard time with books that don't grab my attention within the first chapter

  2. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay that sno shoor is wite and fluffy almost as wite and fluffy as the wite and fluffy furs on my sister trouble or on the hipster kitties!!! happy noo yeer to yoo!!! ok bye


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