Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Best Photos of 2017


Last year, I took you through 2016 pictures month by month. That limited me to 12 favorites, but maybe eliminated something if there were two good ones in a month. This year, I'm just picking some good ones and arbitrarily putting them in categories.

Most unusual sunrise picture, so I'm calling it the best. September 26

sunrise with rays
Favorite landscape. Waves of pointy hills in springtime Ohio. April.

pointed hills in spring

Favorite snow picture. Sumac trees against red pines. December 30

sumac and snow

My favorite picture of a person. December 9

child dressed as an angel
Favorite still life. At Shagway Arts Barn in the rain. October 22

pumpkins in the rain

My favorite sky picture.. The Stratocumulus undulatus clouds in November.

Stratocumulus undulatus clouds

Favorite wildlife picture. Praying mantis with German yellowjacket remains. October 23

Praying mantis with German yellowjacket remains

Favorite country road picture. From the Ohio hike. April

country road

Favorite tree picture. The maple tree overhanging the driveway to the Shagway Arts Barn. September 5.

tree overhanging the driveway

Favorite plant picture Horsetail. August 14.

horsetail segment
Favorite abstract pattern picture. Ice on a wetland. March 12

snow and ice on blue water

Funniest picture. I thought it was going to be old/new fungus growth, and instead got a cute little shark coming around a reef. September 17

fungus looks like shark

There you have 12 of my favorites. Comments always welcome!

In other news: I spent 2 hours messing with the snowblower. The plows had put a 2 foot wall across the bottom of the drive, and the bank around the mailbox is up to the top of the box and about 2 feet in front of it. Cleared. widened the bottom. Now the wind is blowing and the roads are drifting shut. School has already been called off for tomorrow. But we should be able to get out. Road trip for me- stay tuned. Also did some promotional stuff for books and finished (I hope) the extra material that will go with the Dubois Files books. Making split pea soup. Might write a little more, or not- kinda pooped.

See Best Pictures of 2016
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  1. Those are some very nice pictures. Gets me thinking. I love the one of the ice in the wetland.

  2. All of them are great. I tried to pick a favorite but I like too many of them to choose just one. I think maybe I"ll go through my pictures and do something similar

  3. All beautiful! Nice work! Bet your local TV weather station could use your cloud picture as a teaching tool.

  4. I enjoyed your photos! These are really good, Shark. I think I like the trees and GREEN photos best though. All of this white is getting to me.

    Speaking of white--how is that new snow blower? Could it handle the mess from the plow? That is my pet peeve--the plow that dumps everything from the corner to my house in my driveway. And then they threaten to ticket you if you dare to move any of it back into the street. I am not sure where I am supposed to put all that snow!

    Be safe in this weather.

  5. Great photos all! You do have an excellent eye for trees. They seem almost magical in your photos.


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