Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Winter Tour - The 3 Mile Loop

Although the air was pretty crisp, the sun was glorious. I did my 3-mile road loop. Want to come along? I'd never noticed this before, but it really stands out against the little remaining snow we have. If it's going to thaw, I'm glad it did a good enough job to get rid of the ice on surfaces. At least I could walk.

old rusted farm machinery and gears against the snow

The pond along the bypass was gray and lifeless, but the sky is one of my favorite shades of blue.

ice covered pond with pines and blue sky

The moth mullein seed pods are always interesting. Today the light was catching them and turning each one to gold.

moth mullein seed pods in sunlight

It may be winter, but the moss is already starting to think about doing its thing. Look at those emerging sporangia.

orange moss sporangia

The rotting ice has a sort of beauty all it's own. I love the patterns at the edges.

melting ice on pebbles

But that sky! It was really an upper seeing all that glorious color. How about a white birch against the blue?

large white birch against a blue sky in winter

Passing the cemetery I saw an old shelf fungus on one of the aging maples. They took down quite a few of the really old and dangerous trees this fall. Maybe this one isn't on their list since it's closer to the creek than to the gravesites.

old shelf fungus on a maple tree

Can't take you by the cemetery without a picture of the cemetery creek. It was looking ordinary today, but I liked the shapes in the cut ash stump against the water.

cut ash stump with a stream in the background

In other news: I've been writing and writing. I finished chapters 4 and 5 of The Hitchhiker. I got the concept covers and the "model" pictures to Linda- my cover artist. We selected the cover we like.

See Rotting is Not the Same as Rotton
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