Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Brown Details, Brilliant Ending

Went for my regular road loop walk today and set out to find some interesting details. See if these fill the bill.

First up is teasel. It's an intriguing plant in any season, and up close does not disappoint.

teasel seed pod in winter

The prickly stems are quite unique as well.

teasel stems with spines in winter

Queen Anne's Lace is another common plant that retains a lot of interest year round.

Queen Anne's lace seed heads in winter

I thought that was it, but the day provided another brilliant sunset, and I'm sure not going to turn down one of those.

Michigan sunset February 18,2018

In other news: I wrote Chapter 4 in The ABZ Affair, and hope to finish Chapter 5 before bed. I finished beta reading a book for a friend, and did a little (very little) cleaning.

See Teasel in the Light
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  1. Yep, you did good in finding interesting details. I've always liked the looks of Queen Anne's Lace and the picture you got of that is great. Love the angle you took it from

  2. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that prikly thing luks like it wood hav just luvd to git stuk in my sister trixies fluffy kote!!! ok bye


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