Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Pink Detail- What Else? A Flamingo

This is old news, over 5 years old, but I never showed you this. And it's now part of a collection, so it has to be revealed.

When we went to Art Prize in 2012, the "Heavy Metal Rock Band" entry... can you spot them?

Art Prize 2012 Heavy Metal Rock Band by Fred Conlon

... had two flamingos!

Art Prize 2012 Heavy Metal Rock Band by Fred Conlon flamingo

Since the "collection" began in August 2012, with the nesting flamingo, this isn't even a prequel... I just never got around to sharing it.

And, just for fun, look at all the little heavy metal groupies!

Art Prize 2012 Heavy Metal Rock Band by Fred Conlon

In other news: I'm tired. Not much happened except for some odds and ends of paperwork.

See The Nesting Flamingo
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