Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, March 19, 2018

Birds of the Week

It's a sure sign that spring is on its way when the bird activity begins to pick up. I've seen quite a few in the last several days. Catching pictures of them is another matter.

Here's the best capture. There were a pair of purple finches in these spruce trees. This is the male.

purple finch

The robins are here.


And the chickadees never left, but they are happy.


This shot isn't focused very well, but it shows how light-colored the red-tail hawk can be on the underside. I actually thought it might be a northern harrier until I blew the picture up on the computer.

red tail hawk belly

I've also seen cardinals and blue jays, both of which were here all winter, red-wing blackbirds, sparrows and other LBBs (little brown birds), and most glorious of all... a bluebird. Some ducks flew over yesterday, and I've heard the sandhill cranes.

Still working hard on The ABZ Affair. I MAY have it done tonight.

See Purple Finch 2010
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  1. Our front yard was a flurry of activity yesterday now that some of the snow has melted off and they can get on the ground. It's nice to see them again. Now I know spring is on the way

  2. I've seen the sand hill cranes, turkey vultures, canada geese, robins and LBBs.

  3. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay wot pritty birds i am verry reeleevd to see that none of them ar parakeets!!! and hay wow bloo jays and cardinals??? i had no ideea yoo guys had too baysbal teems owt yore way!!! ok bye


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