Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Two More Succulents

Worked all day, did a little bit on book formatting, and went to a program tonight. Nothing much photoworthy, so I'll share two more succulents from the Fort Wayne Home and Garden Show.

I don't have names, or even genera, for either one (the tags say "succulent"). Well, that's not true. The first one MAY be Faucaria tigrina, common name Tiger's Jaw. Or maybe just something similar. But I liked both of them.



I'm really tired, and tomorrow is Friday- the big day at work, so I think I'm hitting the sack.

The program was about an effort to find out what happened to a plane that was lost in Lake Michigan in 1950. That's a pretty lame explanation, but the program was really good. I wanted the book, but decided it was too expensive. Maybe I'll find a used copy somewhere.

See Why I Buy ISBNs for my one real accomplishment of the day
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1 comment:

  1. Your second picture reminded me of a table my grandmother had sitting in front of one of her windows. It was filled with succulents.
    Sounds like an interesting program. Was the plane ever found?


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