Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, June 18, 2018

Hikers Haven

Sunday, I spent the day with trail friends Connie and Jerry. Jerry has hiked the Appalachian Trail. They are both long-time volunteers for the North Country Trail, and Jerry helped build the Midland to Mackinac Trail. They both also do trail maintenance on some of those miles.

hikers haven

I was welcomed and well-fed. We went to church together. After a hot afternoon, we decided to forego dinner in favor of ice cream. Perfect choice! I think the three flavors we ended up with were raspberry cheesecake, Scout mint chocolate, and turtle cheesecake.

eating ice cream

My next hiking plan may be starting to simmer. We'll see.

Then I was off to my next destination, Interlochen, where I am now.

In other news: I don't have my assignment for tomorrow finished... have to get back to work.

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  1. Yep, 8ce cream over dinner would be my choice too

  2. Yum! Good choice for dinner.

    I am itching to get my tent out. So many things going on, including a kitchen reno, so I really hope we have room in the schedule to get out.

    How is the camper coming along?

  3. HI Ann- some days you just have to!

    Lin- trailer is still wrapped in its winter tarp. Hope to uncover it soon.

  4. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay ice kreem insted of dinner wurks for me!!! ha ha ok bye


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