Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Breakfast and Dinner

Breakfast for the woodchuck. S/he was actually pretty cute, pulling stems in to nibble them.


Breakfast for me. Bran muffins.

bran muffins

Dinner for the deer. Something in those weeds (that need mowing). But she had a nice dinner on Tuesday. Ate the buds off ALL my day lilies. Not a quality part of that day.


Dinner for me. Bran muffins. (I had some help - I didn't eat that many all alone, although I probably could have.)

bran muffins

In other news: I went on the Mason County Garden Tour this afternoon and have a ton of pictures. I'll start showing you those tomorrow. We have some very nice gardens here for a mostly rural area.

See Chuck Dives for Cover
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  1. Bran muffins look good. I'm sure they tasted better than the deer's day lily dinner.

  2. day lily flowers are edible for humans too. Keep meaning to try some on a salad. Not this year, eh???!!!

    Chuck- funny light I think.

  3. hello sharkbytes its dennis the vizsla dog hay brekfast and dinner!!! i am in fayvor of both of them!!! ha ha ok bye


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