Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Little Green Things

This little tickler was crawling on my arm the other day. I managed to convince him to sit on my thumb. Bugguide has helped me decide this is an assassin bug nymph (instar). A very early one.

assassin bug nymph

Here's looking at you!

assassin bug nymph

The next day I found this interesting tracing in the duckweed at the edge of Hamlin Lake. Since I love patterns, I had to snap it.

circular pattern in duckweed

But what would have caused it? Turns out the gentle waves were forcing the little green floating leaves out of a small notch in the edge of this sharp rock every time a wave bounced off the seawall, creating a line. Then they would float out and be caught by the next wave coming in, so they would circle around... and again and again....

pattern in duckweed

In other news: I applied for two things having to do with books. I'll let you know if anything comes of either of those endeavors. I wrote a chapter in DMS Mistletoe. And I did laundry.

See A Good Day to be Green (katydid instar)
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  1. Interesting little bug. I don't think I've ever seen one like that

  2. I like your bug. He is so little!

  3. That assassin bug nymph is a cutie pie.

  4. Ann- I had no clue. Had to go get help to ID it

    Lin- yes it is!

    Chuck- they get pretty ugly when they grow up


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