Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

NCT Hike- Just Fun

Met up with pals Connie and Jerry Allen to grab a few more miles toward Hike 100.


We hiked from Highbridge to Dilling Road on the NCT- a piece I just hiked earlier this year, but that's ok. Here's the beaver pond in August.

beaver pond

Some pretty little orange mushrooms.


Here's home for the night. Connie and Jerry are in a camper.


If you know them, you know that Buster always goes along too.

stuffed dog

North Country Trail- Highbridge to Dilling 6 miles. Hike 100 Total= 51 miles

See Same Hike Other Direction
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  1. I like the little beaver pond. We don't have things like that around here. The bodies of water here look much different than in Michigan.

  2. Buster looks like an excellent traveling companion

  3. I wish I was hiking with you!!

  4. Ratty- the beavers really make trail maintenance hard in some places, but I am glad they have made a comeback

    Ann- He's very easy to keep track of. No leash required

    Lin- we need to make it happen


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