Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, November 12, 2018

Goodbye, Small World

Today I took down my model railroad layout. I haven't done a thing with it for years and the dust has built up to the point that it looks like snow. (Can be cleaned, but it will be a pain.) I wanted to show you some of the best sections, but I should have checked to be sure the pictures were in focus. Oh well, you'll have to squint because I'm going to show you anyway.

This is a scratch-built (as in not from a kit) gas station. Sections like this were not broken down. I just lifted the module from the layout and boxed it.

model railroad gas station

Here's the hobo's shack along the tracks. Mostly a couple of kits, but lots of details added.

model railroad hobo shack

My layout was smallish, done in HO scale. This is just a hillside detail. This I also saved intact. If I play sometime in the future, it can be cleaned up, touched up with paint, etc.

model railroad hillside with dead trees

This was one of the very first modules I ever did- a farm field with tractor.

model railroad field and tractor

Gotta have the station. This kit was exceedingly cheap. In fact, I think it came as part of a basic circle "toy" set. Not even good quality stuff. But you can always "kit bash" and add details and good painting.

model railroad station

Finally, this was scratch-built, but it's not meant to be anything special except an end-of-display bit of landscaping to give the perception that the layout is bigger and not just confined to a table top. I actually thought this turned out pretty well, The building is nothing but cardboard and a plastic cookie box (painted).

model railroad town barn

Actually, I'm not sad to be taking this apart. Model railroading is a hobby for people with a lot more expendable cash than I have right now. At the time I did all this, I was working for/with a man who sold HO scale parts for detailing at model rail shows. I would turn around and spend most of what I made to grow my hobby. That worked out really well. However, he died, which was beyond sad for his family. I miss him a lot, too. He was much more than a railroading friend.

I have boxes and boxes of parts and kits and "stuff," all focused on building my dream layout. Am I ready to give up this idea and sell it all? Nope. If I ever get to the point where I can't hike, this is going to be my hobby of choice.

Can't just join a club and play occasionally for several reasons. First of all, I'd never be able to do it in moderation. If I jump in, I'll be in over my head again. Second, the closest club is Grand Rapids- a 2 hour drive away. I don't know if the third issue is an issue any longer. But it used to be true that the clubs didn't really welcome GIRLS.

Anyway. Now the dust won't get any deeper, although the boxes will still be in a corner of the living room. Sigh.

In other news: I wrote a chapter in DMS Mistletoe and did laundry.

See Fake
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  1. Amazing work! Glad you are keeping it. IF It transpires that you have to give up hiking, and I hope you don', you'll have a neat go-to position.

  2. The sections you've shown look pretty impressive. I imagine the layout as a whole was as well. I really like that gas station.

  3. This is impressive, Joan! We always wished for a basement to set our HO train up permanently, but that was never to be. We have to settle on putting it up temporarily each Christmas. Not the same, but it will have to do.

    The only thing your beautiful layout is missing is a Pope. Hahaha!

  4. Charlee: "That's a very detailed and realistic setup!"
    Chaplin: "Yes it is! Our Dada never built model railroads himself but he has seen a lot of them and he is impressed!"


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