Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, November 8, 2018


The yard was all mowed, so what I needed to finish was to get my trail out back in decent shape before snow. This makes it a lot easier to ski. (Safer too- I really hurt a knee one year catching a ski on a buried raspberry cane.) Got it all mowed today.

mowed trail

I probably have about a mile of trail if you count all the loops- these pictures don't show it all.

mowed trail

I like it because it's right out the back door.

mowed trail

The only problem is that I didn't realize some trees came down in the last big storm we had. I got some of that mess cleared today, but not all.

mowed trail

There's always another day. I doubt tomorrow's snow will stick around till April.

In other news: wrote a chapter and put the mower "to bed" for the winter.

See Weed Whacker
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  1. Good to have things readied for winter. I guess it's coming whether I want it to or not

  2. What a nice contrast between the green of the trail and the surrounding brown.


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