Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Two Hundreds on Opossum Highway

Today a friend and I both finished our 2018 100 Mile Challenges on the North Country Trail. The friend is Deb Cox who came on our chapter hike in July

hikers doing 100 Mile Challenge on the North Country Trail

We did 5.5 miles, and I'm here to tell you they were a bit of a challenge. The snow is not deep enough for showshoes or skis, but it is just deep enough to throw your feet off with every step, and make you slide, and give you mighty sore calves in 5.5 miles.

North Country Trail

We passed through Dead Horse Marsh, starkly appealing in any season.

Dead Horse Marsh on the North Country Trail

The most interesting thing to me was that on almost the entire length of trail we walked there were opossum tracks. Usually only one animal at a time, although sometimes there were tracks going both directions. Some were large and some were small. A LOT of opossums have been using the trail! If you look closely, you can see the tail drag marks in this picture.

opossum tracks

We finished in good spirits, despite the challenge, and now I just need to send in my paper to get the patch!

hikers doing 100 Mile Challenge on the North Country Trail

We saw quite a few other tracks, which I will share another day.

I also went to another concert, and I'll also save that till later.

No writing happened, but I did not expect it to, with both of these activities.

Hike 100 Challenge miles: 101 of 100!

North Country Trail, Tyndall Road to Riverside Dr., Mason County, Michigan

See National Trails Day Hike
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  1. Joan was a great buddy to finish the 100 mile challenge and learn more about nature. Deb

  2. Congratulations on finishing the 100


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