Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Tree Named Coco (and other cool stuff)

I kid you not. This tree has a name tag, and it's name is Coco.

tree with tag that says Coco

I am chilling in my car, all set for the night. Not too comfortable sitting, but I'll live.

Today, I walked the 5+ miles from Hodenpyl Dam to Fletcher Creek Campground and back. This is a gorgeous piece of trail, and the weather was also perfection.

Here's the pond.

Hodenpyl Dam Pond

The Wood Betony is blooming. Some are yellow and some are maroon. These have yellow flowers with the purple leaves. I guess that answers the question about whether the purple leaved ones have the maroon flowers!

wood betony with yellow flowers

The trail is right beside the water for over half of the five miles.

Hodenpyl Dam Pond

I love it that we now see more of the native trumpeter swans than the alien mute swans.

trumpeter swan

A couple of pink lady slipper orchids were in bloom.

pink lady slipper orchid

And a tiger swallowtail butterfly on wild black cherry blossoms.

tiger swallowtail butterfly on wild black cherry blossoms

Can't let you go without one more view of the pond.

Hodenpyl Dam Pond

It was an awesome day, and tomorrow will be more of the same, because the event I was going to go to at the conference is a wash... so I'm going for another hike!

Hike 100 Challenge = 94 miles

North Country Trail from Hodenpyl Dam to Fletcher Creek and back, Wexford County, MI, 10.5 miles total

See Two Awesome Days
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  1. What a nice hike. The view there is awesome. So did all the trees have names or just that one?


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