Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, June 21, 2019

Summer 2019- Batting 1000

Summer has had one day so far this year to prove its intentions, and right now it's batting 1000. What a perfect day!

I started by hiking the Litchfield Nature Trail, which didn't even exist when I hiked this section of the NCT. It was all road walk then. Now there are almost 2 trail miles, including a backpacker tent site. How cool is that?

Litchfield Nature Trail

The Ebony Jewelwing Damselflies were out in abundance. The males have the blue bodies.

ebony jewelwing damselfly

Wild morning glories in full bloom in some sunny places. Most of the trail was nicely shaded in the woods, however.

wild morning glories

Walked that out and back, then ate some lunch and went to do the northern half of the Lost Nation State Game Area.

The northern section isn't nearly as hilly. At least the trail isn't. A lot of the trail follows long-abandoned roads (you can barely tell they were once roads, but nevertheless flatter.)

All of the bridges in Lost Nation are these squared logs. They would be tricky to get across in a full pack.

log bridge

I met two different painted turtles today, sunning themselves in the trail. Both of them peed on me when I picked them up!

painted turtle

This is a wildlife opening within the SGA. But it allowed me to take a longer shot, so you can see what a beautiful day it was. Hope it was nice where you are too! The one pestilence of the day was deer flies, but I tied my bandana over my head so they didn't keep divebombing my hair.

Lost Nation State Game Area wildlife opening

Speaking of bandanas, you know I love clothes on the line. Passed this (Amish or Mennonite?) home with the clothes out, and I just loved the colorful display of bandanas.

bandanas on a clotheline

Total miles hiked today, about 9. Celebration, ice cream!

selfie with a dish of ice cream

Now I'm back in Ann Arbor, and need to get to sleep soon. Tomorrow is the big book vendor event in Troy. But what a great few days I've had!

North Country Trail, Hillsdale County, Michigan, Litchfield Nature Trail and Lost Nation State Game Area from Way Rd to MI 34, 9 miles out and back.

See Rain and Mud and Slime
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1 comment:

  1. I'm thinking I might have a hard time crossing that bridge even without a pack.


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