Entries to Win Afghan

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ottawa County Hike- Just Pretty Pictures

Today, I'll just share some pretty pictures from my two-day hike from Ottawa Sands, through Ottawa Dunes, into P.J. Hoffmaster State Park and back. Tomorrow, more of the low-down.

Part of the trail is along the Lake Michigan shore. You can still do it in this year of high water, but you'll get wet feet. This was the only section of trail of any length I had to repeat, and it was quiet and beautiful this morning with the waves making bargello patterns on the sand.

waves washing Lake Michigan shore

I expected a lot of the hike to be hot and passing through openings like this. It turned out that most of it is forested and shady, but this was a pretty space. Still, I'm glad very little was open and sunny.

trail through sunny opening in ferns

Grasshopper tracks on the sand.

grasshopper tracks in sand

One bright leaf that decided to leave the summer scene way early.

orange leaf on green fern

A tiger beetle.

tiger beetle

And a many-branched beech tree. I just liked the rhythm of the trunks.

many trunked beech tree

I have a ticket for a play tonight, so wanted to post this before I leave. I'll do a serious post about what the hike and the trails were like tomorrow. Gotta scoot!

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1 comment:

  1. From these pictures it looks like it was a beautiful hike


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