Entries to Win Afghan

Friday, November 8, 2019

Meijer Gardens - Succulents 1

Of course you remember how much I love succulents. I'll show you a few from Meijer Gardens today, and maybe a few more tomorrow.

First of all, here's a semi mystery. The label clearly identifies it as Agave potatorum. I'm not questioning their ID. I'm sort of in awe at the forms this plant can take. This one is obviously huge, and it doesn't look much like my own small one. There could be several reasons for this. The mature plant may just look different from small ones. There could be (certainly are) several varieties. I might have IDed my little one incorrectly (although it looks like all the ones that come up when I query it. Anyway... what interesting leaf edges!

agave potatorum Meijer Gardens

Here's one that's new to me, called Bishop's Cap. You can certainly see why. It's a cactus, Astrophytum myriostigma, native to Mexico.

bishop's cap cactus Meijer Gardens

This was a real treat, because I'd never seen it in bloom. It's called Starfish Flower, or sometimes Carrion Flower, since the flowers stink like dead meat. It's Stapelia grandiflora, and as the species name suggests, the flowers are big. These were about 8 inches across. It's succulent, but not a cactus. It's actually in the same family as milkweed!

starfish flower Meijer Gardens

Last for today is a wonderful Euphorbia. I've discoursed before about the wonderful and diverse Euphorbias. I've even showed you a small specimen of this very plant Euphorbia stenoclada from the Philadelphia Flower Show. I said it can grow to the size of a tree, and here you go! Looks like Sleeping Beauty's thorny hedge. I really like this! It's from Madagasgar, and they have it labeled with the common name of Silver Thicket.

Euphorbia stenoclada Meijer Gardens

In other news: I made my expenses at the vendor event today, so tomorrow is all profit. They have allowed me to plug into the church electric, so I have my little heater going, and I'm warm and happy. Got my computer and hot spot. Life is good.

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1 comment:

  1. These are all wonderful. That bloom is really pretty, too bad it has to smell like dead meat.
    Have a good day at the vendor event


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