Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Five Miles of Vitamin D

Today was even warmer, in the mid 40s and sunny. Had to walk. Went 5 miles and got a good dose of Vitamin D.

This is the frozen wetland around the corner from me. You can see my long shadow on the clump of cattails.


This old barn spoke to me.

weathered barn

Can you spot the creature with a white mustache? Maybe a lion.

discovered face in a tree

The sun makes ordinary things, like a stubbled field, pretty.

field of stubble

And another sunrise picture from this morning. I'm just a sucker for the ones where the sun is a ball.


In other news: I wrote and edited and formatted pretty much all day except for the walk. What a project this book is! I SO underestimated how long it would take. Much longer than the first one. No clue why.

See Trail Work Day
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1 comment:

  1. Maybe this post can inspire me to get out there today and take a walk. I'm sure Gibbs would appreciate it. I think it's supposed to be rather nice today.


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