Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Got One of those Little Devils

Today was a rain day. I put it to good use. Got the main leak in the back wall of the trailer located. It's underneath the port for the electric cord. See the water running down the wall? Big puddle on the floor.

leak in fiberglass trailer

Nothing leaking around the one window where I was pretty sure water got in on my drive home last fall. Perfectly dry today. Eye roll (I'll still check it with the hose).

In other news: I made some really yummy muffins this morning. I worked most of the rest of the day on one of my projects. Tomorrow I'm starting a new "old" project. Not too thrilled, but it has to be. Stay tuned.

See Water Woes

1 comment:

  1. Yep, that's the leak. Glad you were able to find it


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