Entries to Win Afghan

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Hike Food is Done

The food for my upcoming hike of the Knobstone Trail is done. 10 days of food. The link below takes you to the post about this project from 2 years ago on my Midland to Mackinac hike, which covers my philosophy of meals. I'm not going to type the same thing all over again.

You know the drill. Here are all the little packets, labeled and spread out. I will have one food drop in the middle of this hike. Five days worth is a reasonable amount to carry at one time.

packets of hiking food

What I will show you this time is the top of my spreadsheet. I've circled the critical number in red. This is the pounds per person per day. For me (and Marie when she is with me) we've found 1.2 ppppd is good. Although for the last couple of years I haven't been eating quite that much, so I'm perfectly secure in the 1.1 ppppd that it calculated to.

spreadsheet of hiking food

I make up the little packages, weigh each part (in case I want to switch something later- and for future reference) and the spreadsheet tallies it all up and generates the labels on another page. Although, the entries you can see in this sample only have the totals, because they were leftover packets I had in the freezer all made up. Not breaking those out- I just entered the total.

Here are the menus, just for fun. Peanut butter and cheese go with all the cold meals with crackers

 gravy bacospuds, olive salad, tootsie rolls
 pizza bowl, macaroni, elderberry plops
 turkey tetrazzini, spaghetti, veggie plops
 buttermilk dill soup, flatbread, fruit mix
2Xglop, macaroni, fruit mix
 All Tuckered In, sauaage, tootsie rolls
2XDirty Rice, Rice, date log
 Stone Wheat crax, veg plops, tootsie rolls
 Stone Wheat crax, veg plops, pistachio pudding
 Stone Wheat crax, broccoli salad, banana blue hawk
2Xcous cous, fruit mix
 pita crax, salsa, cherry torte
 pita crax, salsa, fruit mix
 Saltines, broccoli salad, banana blue hawk
 Saltines, cole slaw, granola bar
 Saltines, meat stick, nut log
 Stone Wheat crax, mushroom sandwiches, nut log
 Cherry Torte
2XApple Oatmeal Yogurt, pecans
3XPaul Bunyan Bar, spotted applesauce
2XHot Grapenuts, Citrus Slices
2XRhubarb Granola
SNACKS (per day)
3Xgorp, trail shake
2Xhoney mustard pretzels, trail shake
 savory leather, trail shake
2Xsweet potato chips, trail shake
2Xnut log, trail shake

There is not other news. I know this isn't like doing a roof or digging dirt, but I'm beat, nevertheless. Tomorrow I'll clean up the kitchen.

See Feeling Better About This

1 comment:

  1. You have this down to a science. That's a lot of work putting it all together, I would be beat too


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