Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, October 19, 2020

Almost Exterior

  I sure learned some things today. The biggest one is that I wish I hadn't done this roof with rolled roofing. It was cheaper than regular shingles by far. So that is good. But I don't think it's going to last as long because I don't think I put it on quite right. And I think the wind could do a lot of damage if it gets hold of an edge.

And if I'd realized that one roll would do the whole thing, I'd have gotten gray instead of white. I got white only to match the old pieces we still had. But I ended up not using them anyway.

I ran out of sealant, so I'll need one more trip to the store. That's why the blocks are back on top. I needed to weight down the places that need sealing yet on the top strip. I also have to get a couple of 1x2s for the corner trim. I'll do this tomorrow since I have to go to town anyway.

I am kind of pleased with my ingenuity for a flap to cover the hinge and the edge of the hatch. When one of the conveyor belts at the newspaper (where I used to work) had split so badly that they actually replaced it, I asked for the old belt. Those pieces of rubberized fabric are tough, flexible and waterproof. I think they are going to do the trick just fine. The hatch works great, and it's manageable by someone my size. well pit cover

We need a warm day for those edges to soften enough to fold down a bit.

Working backwards, here's the picture of the rest of the drip edge in place. well pit cover

However, don't forget that I still have cement work to do inside. For sure, I have to finish blocking off the hole where the woodchuck got in. I think this is the never-ending project.

In other news: I did the next to the last day of the class I'm taking. That and this project is all. I'm having a tired day, but I need to recover because tomorrow is going to be busy.

See Still Not Quite


  1. It's always good to learn new things. Even if it's that we shouldn't have done something they way we did. At least you knew for the next time.

  2. Ann- there better not be a next time in my lifetime for this well pit!


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