Entries to Win Afghan

Sunday, December 27, 2020

A Fast 4.5

  Body wanted to walk today. One day of sitting is enough. But I'm so tired of the same road loop. I walked it backwards and expanded it to 4.5 miles. This was the best- a nice primary color winter scene. red barn with white birch

I have walked all this before, and ridden bicycle on it, but hadn't noticed this little pond. Maybe it's not usually a pond! frozen pond

Neat patterns in this small wetland with the hummocks behind the cattails. wetland with hummock and cattails

The sky was blue to the north, but in the southwest it was very typically wintery. winter sky

The roads were mostly clear, with only a few slushy places. Going through town was the worst with icy or unshoveled sidewalks. Still, I averaged 17.1 minutes a mile. I know hikes aren't races, but sometimes the road walks are just a way to get exercise, and upping the speed increases the endurance.

In other news: I did some editing, and switched to non-Christmas accordion pieces to practice. Still pretty much in relaxation mode.

See Three Mile Loop Again


  1. When I was walking a lot getting bored with the same old route was a big problem. I never thought of walking them backwards. I like the way that tree looks against the sky in the first picture

  2. Your walks are so pretty...forwards or backwards. :) I need to get out on the trail...we've had a houseful of people and I couldn't escape.

  3. Ann- trails really do look different in each direction. Road walks... I'm not sure.

    Lin- yes! Get out there!

    Stew- I seem to be able to crank out the road miles.


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