Entries to Win Afghan

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Rest of my Loot

  As previously mentioned, the boots were my big gift, but I got some other nice things. Steve sent me this huge map. It's a Geologic Map of the US. It sort of looks like elevations, but it's actually rock type which, incidentally, mostly conforms to the topography. I love it! If I can find a poster frame large enough (it's huge!), there is even a place on the wall where it will fit. geologic map of the US

Two of the corners are held down with gifts, and two are not. Want to guess? I won't make you. (hint- It's not the mug or the channel locks!) Upper left is what's left of a fruit basket from Josh. We've eaten a lot already. And lower right is a cookbook from Magdalen House sent by my neice, Jo-Anne. (who says I can call her Jo-Jo, which makes me very happy for some reason!) I also got a gas card so I can afford to drive a few places to hike that I might otherwise pass up because of the expense.

In other news: Well, no walking happened. My exercise was confined to shoveling snow. We got maybe 4 inches, but it was really wet and heavy. Where the plow filled in at the bottom of the driveway a foot deep, I decided I might as well shovel that by hand. I got 3 packages ready to mail and went to the PO. Did some other errands and bookkeeping. That about took care of my day. Got in and out of the driveway with no trouble. Well, more editing and accordion practice. I'm not going to bother telling you that every day. Sufficient to say that I'm trying to maintain a regular practice time.

See Maybe I've Grown Up


  1. What a nice map. I've never seen anything like that
    I have a cousin JoAnna who we always called Jo Jo when we were growing up

  2. Lulu: "Our Dada says he used to get a lot of exercise shoveling snow! And that he doesn't really miss it!"

  3. LOVE the map! They sell inexpensive poster frames at Michael's if you have those nearby. They are plastic, but they allow you to hang your posters nicely.

    You certainly got some great presents. The gas card is a great idea.

    We haven't been able to get out to walk because we had snow/ice and I can't risk the fall on the trail. (Gotta watch my OP hips now) I miss the trail.

  4. Thanks, everyone!

    Lin- the map is too big for a poster frame.

  5. Darci at Pandora's Box in Baldwin does framing. You might ask her.


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