Entries to Win Afghan

Tuesday, April 6, 2021


  Tuesdays seem to be my busy day. But the part worth sharing is a hike with Cathy at Ludington State Park. We started on the Logging Trail. Ludington State Park Logging Trail

It goes past two of the remaining CCC shelters in the park. This is the more ordinary of the two, but I haven't put it in the blog for a long time, so here you go. CCC stone shelter Ludington State Park

Then we cut east to the Lost Lake Trail. I've showed you this view before, but it's always worth another look. This is Lost Lake, with the bridge on the Island Trail part way out. Hamlin Lake is beyond the bridge. We saw a couple of young women testing the waters by wading. But then we heard them shriek. Guess it's predictibly cold yet! Ludington State Park Lost Lake

At the Coast Guard Trail we turned west again. There are faint hints of color on the trees and plants, but the best views are still water of any kind. This is just an ephemeral wetland- more like a muddy hole, but there is usaully an angle to find that makes them look good. small wetland

And another hummocky wetland in the sunshine. small wetland with hummocks

When we reached the Logging Trail we turned south and headed back to the car. Total miles about five- count this one as hilly. Beautiful day!

In other news: Errands in the morning. Then I tried to fix my broken clothesline post. Nope... needs a new post. Stopped at Lowe's on the way to the hike (way too much money for a post, hardware, and new line), then went directly to handbell practice, and finally home again.

See Another Loop at LSP


  1. I like the looks of that shelter. Great view of the lake.

  2. That CCC sure built a lot of neat stuff!

  3. Ann- I love those shelters!

    Stew- they sure did- we don't seem to have any surviving stone bridges in our area (not that many stones), but shelters "pop up" occasionally


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