Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, May 3, 2021

A Day with Denali

  Well, we sure didn't manage to take many pictures. We were too busy talking about trail people and trails and comparing gear and food and trail stories and... well you get the idea. We did the usual hiker-day-off things: laundry and sorting and re-packing food and shopping for a few things.

Then we did go to Lake Michigan. The NCT only teases hikers with glimpses of the lake. It was a crummy day to really see the lake, but that was part of the reason she took the day off- thunderstorms last night and rain off and on all day. So we only had a gray view. Lake Michigan

Well, it IS one of the moods of the lake. At least she got to put her fingers in the water and say she'd been on the Lake Michigan beach. person picking up a rock on Lake Michigan beach

That's all the news! I'll take her back to the trail in the morning. We may be scheming to get another half day together. I cannot confirm nor deny this rumor.

See I've Got Denali


  1. Even on the gray day it looks quite nice.

  2. Michiganders love our Great Lakes regardless of the weather.

  3. Ann- I like all its moods, but not everyone does

    Gunman- We do!


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