Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, July 26, 2021


  The humidity has been just about unbearable here for a couple of days. Perhaps we are going to get a little relief. We are having intermittant thunderstorms right now. Loved the clouds. Sorry about the wires, but I can't make them go away. storm clouds

A little rain. It's cooler for now. I have the deck door open and a fan trying to pull some of the cool air into the house. Feels delightful! rain on steps

In other news: I edited, I wrote a chapter. This is sounding like a broken record, but this is how I'm paying my bills, so it's a good day when I tell you these things. I did two loads of laundry. Then I did errands and grocery shopping and came home and gnashed my teeth because I hate shopping and all its lack of fulfillment SO much. I worked on the trailer, and I have nothing at all to show for it, but I may had figured out how to do what I need to do next. So there you have today.

And now it's raining again. VERY nice.

See Sterling Marsh North


  1. The humidity was bad yesterday. I would have welcomed some rain.

  2. Ann- I stood out on the deck and just breathed in the cool air.


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