Entries to Win Afghan

Monday, November 22, 2021

My Trailer Redo - Days 185, 186 - Insulation Finished

  For the whole blow by blow of how I arrived at the process, see the link below. For those of you that know the drill, here is the completion of insulating the whole trailer. This shot is looking at the kitchen end. insulation in a fiberglass trailer

Green foam board on the bottom layer, white polyethylene (closed cell foam) around the curve. insulation in a fiberglass trailer

More green board on the ceiling. More white foam on the curve with contact cement. Then the top finish layer of polyethylene, as seen in the picture above. insulation in a fiberglass trailer

As expected, there were some oddly shaped pieces. But I have to say that this 1/2 inch foam was very adaptable and there was less futzing with it than I expected to have to do. insulation in a fiberglass trailer

I did the same two layers around the door, but there is going to be something else over that. Stay tuned.
insulation in a fiberglass trailer

And, I almost forgot to finish the walls below the seating. I had started it long ago. Anyway, same deal... green foam, fiberglass batting stuffed in at the top where there is no way to glue board in... insulation in a fiberglass trailer

...then white. These were much easier to do than I expected, although I did have to be something of a contortionist to work in the spaces. insulation in a fiberglass trailer

In other news: This was actually almost done yesterday. Today, I finished a volunteer project that allows me to cross off a BIG ONE, did 3 small items, and worked on the cushions. 16 BIG ITEMS to complete or drop- (46 done). Tons of small ones to do (44 done). I'm not even going to report how many small things to do. At this point I'm just writing down any little thing I need to remember. 8 days to go.
See Insulation and Ceiling


  1. Good job on getting the insulation done.

  2. Lulu: "This series could be on HGTV!"
    Charlee: "HGTV?"
    Lulu: "Yeah, I think it stands for 'Have a Good Trailer Vehicle' or something."

  3. Ann- finally!

    Lulu- You got it right on your first try!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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